5 Types of Scars That Can Benefit from Silicone Treatment

Scars are a natural part of the healing process, but they can be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness for many people. While various treatments are available to help reduce the appearance of scars, silicone treatments have become increasingly popular in recent years. Silicone treatments with silicone gel on the affected area can help to soften and flatten the scar over time. Leading physicians and our talented aestheticians at the Parsa MD MedSpa routinely recommend silicone gel for reducing the visibility and feel of scars.

Pur-Sil Pure Scar Care

bottle of Pur-Sil Pure Scar Care

Pur-Sil Pure Scar Care is 100% medical-grade silicone, just like what your physician uses to treat scars. Twenty-four international experts and specialists consider silicone gel the first-line standard in treating scars, even over silicone sheets. Your scars will improve healing and reduced visibility faster while developing a silky-soft feel and texture.

Use Silicone Gel for These Types of Scars

  1. Keloid Scars: Keloid scars are raised, thickened scars extending beyond the original injury's boundaries. They can be painful and itchy and may continue to grow over time. Silicone treatments have been shown to be effective in reducing the size and thickness of keloid scars and reducing redness and itching.
  2. Hypertrophic Scars: Hypertrophic scars are similar to keloid scars in that they are raised and thickened but do not extend beyond the boundaries of the original injury. Silicone treatments have been shown to be effective in reducing the size and thickness of hypertrophic scars and reducing redness and itching.
  3. Burn Scars: Burn scars can be particularly challenging to treat, as they often result in thick, raised scars that can be painful and itchy. Silicone treatments have been shown to be effective in reducing the size and thickness of burn scars and improving the overall texture and appearance of the skin.
  4. Surgical Scars: Surgical scars can be unsightly and may cause discomfort or self-consciousness, particularly if they are in a visible location. Silicone treatments have been shown to be effective in reducing the size and thickness of surgical scars and improving the overall appearance of the skin.
  5. Acne Scars: Acne scars can be a source of frustration for many people, particularly if they are in a highly visible location. Silicone treatments have been shown to be effective in reducing the size and depth of acne scars and improving the skin's overall texture and appearance.

Silicone gel can be a highly effective way to reduce the appearance of scars and improve the overall health and appearance of the skin. While they may not be suitable for everyone, they are a non-invasive and relatively affordable option for those looking to reduce the appearance of scars.

Order your Pur-Sil Pure Scar Care gel from the ParsaMD Online Store today and use the order code “parsamd” to enjoy extra savings at checkout.

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